Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Like guava seeds in the teeth

Yesterday, Raghav and I were having this conversation about the kind of house we want to move into....we have seen a few, but everything is still hanging :) were going through mentally the houses we had seen and what we liked or did not like about each one.
There is this one house that both Raghav and Srinath liked, but I didn't....they love it for all the facilities (swimming pool especially) and for it being on the 10th I was sharing how I was feeling about that house....that I was not too comfortable with heights, and that perhaps there, I had to change my way of living a there was no space to do any gardening (which incidentally he had gotten me into!) and maybe even composting or segregating garbage, and how I was really liking all that now...and he so matter-of-factly turned around and told me: "Yes amma, but you can continue doing your gardening until we move there!"
What a beautiful learning that was for me, who slips in so easily back into those paths of old....stuck like guava seeds in one's teeth :)....I have now resolved to look at the NOW and enjoy whatever is left of what I can do NOW.....even if we don't decide on that place.
Life is all about letting go when you want to hold on isn't it? So simple and yet so hard!

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